Thursday, December 16, 2010

1 more day till winter break!

I don't really have much to write about, but Maya and I said we'd try to post everyday or something like that. In PE, we're learning square dancing.... FML. In biology, we continued to watch Lorenzo's Oil and it's so sad... I feel like crying every 5 minutes. :( In choir, Ian and I did some "swing" bahahhaha. It was horribly bad, but hilarious. I have like 3 math retests to take... Hopefully I pass all of them with flying colors!

After school, Maya was choosing to retest on some stuff and made me stay there with her... I was just sitting there for like 30 minutes. Then we both went to the PAC. Jonny was singing and playing on his guitar and it was hilarious. :) Matt was being a loser and stole my phone.... AGAIN.

Choir concert... I arrived late. Alviar told me to be there are 6:30... I was! But we were supposedly supposed to be there at 6. I FORGOT TO BRING A CLIP TO CLIP MY HAIR BACK :( My hair was basically covering my face... Maya and Juli... Kyle in a suit... Enough said. Juli decided to shout out really loud, "I BET YOU'RE TURNED ON RIGHT NOW!"...To clarify, I was not. I was telling Maya about how Juli said that after the concert, and Alviar heard me say "Juli said" and Mrs. Alviar was like "what?"... Maya and I were like "NOTHING" and Alviar was like "haha well okay then..." Anywho... I was constantly tripping over my dress! It's way too long! Matt decided to be a lovely friend and try to trip me, but he didn't know my dress was too long. Oh well.

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