Sunday, June 12, 2011

UW Graduation and BHHS Graduation!

Yesterday was the graduation day for UW Tacoma and BHHS! Busy, busy day! In the morning, we went to Uncle Hai's graduation at the Tacoma Dome! There were 1000+ students... It took a while. But I'm so proud of Uncle Hai. We grew up together and have bonded throughout the years through insults and violence. I am truly proud of him and will miss him. I got him a gigantic card that he really loved :). He thought it was sweet which is so strange coming from him.

Congrats. So proud of you :)
Waiting outside for Uncle Hai with his gifts!
My Gift! There's sentimental words in there.
Phan Family :)

Then in the afternoon, I went to the BHHS graduation! I was late to the call time for choir! There was crazy traffic and I was freaking out. It took 2 hours to make it back to Olympia. But anywho, I'm so happy for the class of 2011. Very extremely happy. I will miss you guys. Don't forget me :).

Davis is such a playa with freshmen girl.

This picture makes me so happy. Congrats Davis :)

Their family portrait.

Wes wanted a picture and then Lauren photo bombed it.

Tess! Congrats on top 10 missy :)

Colleen! You're adorable!
Then after the BHHS graduation, we went to watch Super 8! We as in Davis, Madi, Ha-Yoon, Maya, Juli, and I. The movie was pretty stupid, but I had fun. :)
After Super 8! :)
I've said this before, but congrats to the Class of 2011! Best wishes to you all! Proud of each and everyone of you for this great accomplishment. :)

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