Tuesday, July 26, 2011

June 26th, 2011

I've been so tired lately! A month off of exercising really puts you out of shape... I've been trying to get back into shape even though my knee still hurts a bit. I have to ice my knee every time I go out for a jog and Karina has to get her own ice pack too. hahhaha She's a cutie patootie. I love her :). I finally got gifts for Juli and Madi for their birthdays! I got them both an adorable scarf and Juli a necklace. All from Fuego! Madi's gift isn't all the way given yet. I am not even sure if I made any sense. Maya's gift... I'm having difficulties with. Anywho, on a completely random and different note, Matthew Lewis is a hot piece of man and deserves a picture on my blog.

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