SPAIN WINS THE EUROCUP! Woo! So...Plane ride was not too shabby. I'm in Sacramento right now and it sucks because I can't leave the plane because it also goes to San Diego. I haven't eaten dinner yet. Augh. Dude. I got additional screening because I happened to be the lucky random. I got to hold up a line. Woohoo! I've been reading The Pianist and it such an incredible book. Everyone should read it. Every page puts me in awe about how incredible Wladyslaw Szpilman's story is. I remember only watching the last ten minutes of the movie and how I bawled. By some miracle, I found the name of the movie and found out it was a book! It also shows how not everyone was bad. A German soldier saved him! Incredible. On other news, my sister has been so excited and going nuts. That reminds me! Madi and Juli came over a while ago and she went psycho watching Rio. That was a side they never saw. Hahaha I love the fact I can blog on my phone. So. On news that's now related to my trip, I am in love with Sierra Boggess. She has my new idol. I want to be her. I also adore Ramin Karimloo and Tam Mutu. :) I've been listening to so many Disney and POTO stuff. Hahaha It is still my life. Since everyone knows I always change topics... my flight attendant speaker was so funny. "In case of an emergency, I would pick the child with the most potential if you have more than one." "No one loves you... more than how we love you and your money!"
Animals. Loads of walking. Annoying people. Screaming children. Little juggling Asian boys. All at the San Diego Zoo! I've learned that I am terrible at navigating with a map. So much freaking walking. My legs are dead. We also dropped by downtown for some food. The weather here is fantastic. The location of my hotel (Holiday Inn) is amazing. Less than a minute away from Costco, 7/11, Chipotle, Carl's Jr., McDonald's, and so much more! Tomorrow is Sea World! I'm so excited! My face place ever :)).
11:23 7/7/12
Eek! What a day! So much fun! I love Seaworld! The shows have changed... for the worst but they weren't bad. We actually ate a lot of food there. Weird! Dad usually hates amusement park stuff. I love the rides! I was super sad because last time I came, I got so sick and couldn't ride! Andy was so scared of the rides till we actually got on them. Hahha I am soaking wet right now at the hotel waiting for Andy to finish his shower. We went on the Shipwreck Rapids twice with this funny Mexican family! Then the Atlantis ride and the polar bear simulator. Finally, the new Mantis! SO FUN. Oh course we also went on rides with Karina. Which reminds me that we watched the Elmo 4D and Karina was in love! Haha HOLY BEEP. I just realized... I've just been sunburnt for the first time in my life on my shoulders. PAIN. D: Wow. This is great. I was watching Daniel's video like he told me to and the fire alarms in my hotel go off. Woohoo. Fun. 9:19 7/8/12 Sunday! Today we drove all the way to Hollywood and walked around. It was super exhausting. It is definitely interesting. I wish we could've gone to Universal Studios like last time. Oh well. Now we're in Garden Grove eating at Pho Pasteur. Dad says it's even better than Pho 38 in Tacoma. Holy crap! As usual, instead of pho, I got fried rice. I need to go running. Haven't had time though :(. I shall tomorrow morning!
11:23 7/7/12
Eek! What a day! So much fun! I love Seaworld! The shows have changed... for the worst but they weren't bad. We actually ate a lot of food there. Weird! Dad usually hates amusement park stuff. I love the rides! I was super sad because last time I came, I got so sick and couldn't ride! Andy was so scared of the rides till we actually got on them. Hahha I am soaking wet right now at the hotel waiting for Andy to finish his shower. We went on the Shipwreck Rapids twice with this funny Mexican family! Then the Atlantis ride and the polar bear simulator. Finally, the new Mantis! SO FUN. Oh course we also went on rides with Karina. Which reminds me that we watched the Elmo 4D and Karina was in love! Haha HOLY BEEP. I just realized... I've just been sunburnt for the first time in my life on my shoulders. PAIN. D: Wow. This is great. I was watching Daniel's video like he told me to and the fire alarms in my hotel go off. Woohoo. Fun. 9:19 7/8/12 Sunday! Today we drove all the way to Hollywood and walked around. It was super exhausting. It is definitely interesting. I wish we could've gone to Universal Studios like last time. Oh well. Now we're in Garden Grove eating at Pho Pasteur. Dad says it's even better than Pho 38 in Tacoma. Holy crap! As usual, instead of pho, I got fried rice. I need to go running. Haven't had time though :(. I shall tomorrow morning!
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Part of the show :) |
9:34 7/11/12
Vegas! That's where I have been. Before that we went to the San Diego Safari though. We are staying at the Paris Hotel. It is all nice and French themed. The pool is huge and I went swimming in it yesterday. I also saw Phantom of the Opera yesterday. It was a roller coaster trying to get the tickets. It sucked. But the show didn't. I don't get how that show is closing here in Vegas! I really want to see a lot more shows. Too bad I'm not rich. After the show, I went to Circus Circus with my family. I babysat the sibs for a bit while my parents went to go eat because I ate before the show. Karina got so scared on one of the rides that she bit me and scratched me. It was so sad. It was kind of how you grip onto something when you're scared. But somehow... I have a hickey. From my 2 year old sister. Other than that ride she had lots of fun and refused to leave after it closed... at midnight. We are leaving for our 10 hour drive down to San Francisco and San Jose. Oh boy.... On other news, I got a new book, Between the Lines. I also got new cheap black flats :). I also failed that piece of crap of an AP World Test.
11:11 P.M. 7/12/12
Yesterday when we arrived in San Jose, we visited my fave relatives in Cali ever :)). I don't know their names in English so they shall be called relatives. Haha. We came back today for dinner with them too! I'm actually here right now. We came after going to San Fran. Yay for Asian bakeries and drinks :). Dude. My relative's father in law is a freaking boss. He is super high tech like... Daddy high tech. And he is a contractor. He decked out my relative's house with super nice designs and high tech stuff. Even the garbage is high tech! The house is still in progress but the additions are seriously amazing! Like this skylight thing. I'm super tired, but I love it here! It's also funny because they think I'm super tall ;)) But seriously. He's the coolest person ever. Dad and I love and respect this guy. Oh yeah! We went to Stanford! Beautiful campus! Dream school :)) 11:12 A.M. Friday the 13th! Yikes! Flying back today. I'm not superstitious so whatever. Our flight is at 10 P.M. We passed by the Winchester House and I want to go but I heard it's way overpriced and lame ish. Dad won't let me go because he thinks I'll get posessed. Haha. We were planning on going to San Fran, but we're back at my relatives! I don't mind though :) One of them made flowers out of straws and egg cartons! WOAH.
FREAKING GOT HOME AT 3 A.M. rawrrr. So tired... I got a letter from Howard though :). Made my day! Wrote back. I also started one page of AP US... threw the book after that. I got the format and everything to post, but I'm waiting for photos from my Daddio so yuppers. It will be a while before this actually posts...
But it's nice being home. The feeling is amazing. So comfy. OCD is not your friend when traveling.
Now here's a video to brighten up everyone's day!