Saturday, October 29, 2011


Ice bath... She's nuts.

Frozen Cappuccino Cups I made Grandma for her birthday!
Just bein' Asian
Kaye is awesome.

Preparing for the ice bath...

Where have the days gone?! I've been super duper crazy busy with cross country and school! I cut my time by so much in cross country! I'm so happy :D! I get around 24 minutes average now. Which isn't super amazing, but I cut my first time by 3 minutes so... Also, I really hate ice baths. They're the worst thing ever. Seriously. We got 2nd at League which was a bummer, but oh well. Today was Districts! Everyone did amazing, but do to a very huge douchebag coach that got Kristen disqualified for having asthma... We got 4th so no going to state unless we can get it appealed. I really don't know what else to write... So yeah... Well, I'm reading a book called A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini and it's SO GOOD!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Unity Night!

I seriously love the xc team! They're like family. :) We had a unity night at Danielle's house yesterday and it was quite fun even though I had to leave early. The girls walked around the neighborhood and got to ride like this go cart thing that Mandeep owned. We then went to Wal-Mart, got yelled at, rode in shopping carts, and all that jazz. Then we got back and hip tattoos which we got from Wal-Mart and we're all just so "rebellious". Pics! Sadly, Ellie wasn't there with us for Wal-Mart (she showed up later).
(Tumwater meet)
Just garden shopping.