Saturday, October 27, 2012


According to,
team [teem]: noun
1. a number of persons forming one of the sides in a game or contest
2. a family of young animals, especially ducks or pigs.

Clearly cross country is number 2. ;) I'm super sappy when it comes to things like this, but it's truly important to me to appreciate every little thing. I honestly love my team. I love the bonding we do. I just love how each person is an individual in our dysfunctional team. We have our ups and downs, but in the end we are a team. This last month has for sure been one of the roughest months I've had in the longest time. No matter what though, I had a coach that cared about me and a family of runners to cheer me up. We're always there for each other because that's what family does even when they're not blood related. Today was districts, and it was definitely wet and muddy. Everyone cheered for one another and went 100%. Super bittersweet for me. I thought to myself a lot during the season how I'd have so much free time and wouldn't have to stress... But I already miss my team and cross country. However, congrats to Brandon and Danielle for making state! They've worked so hard and deserve it. I'm seriously extremely sad right now that the season is over for me even though I'll still be going to practices. Gotta love running :). Well, I'm gonna end this post by telling you guys that I'm gonna sit on my couch enjoying the warmth that was nonexistent at the meet :).

Monday, October 8, 2012

Hello, everyone :)

I'm so loopy right now... Usually that means crazy things are gonna happen. It also means that I'm crashing. :( Not going to lie. Life has been rough. Constantly being sick for three weeks with different illnesses each week was horrid. Then just everything got in the way. Catching up, piano, voice, cross country, and school got so overwhelming. Things are finally getting settled though. Anyways, I would like to thank my friends for being there :). And most of all, Ethan Gaden for making this one of the best weekends ever! Did I mention that Ayadejha and Ethan won homecoming queen and king? Much deserved! Thank you Ethan for making my first homecoming so great :).