Since I'm the secretary of the school...I got to help out with the freshman mural which we won! :)
We got some productive work done... aha. Ha-Yoon, Madi, and Matt did a mass load of work so kudos to them :)! Actually... This doesn't really have to do with Davis even though it's a dedication... Well, he was there partially...And made me die of a laughing fit.

Oh yeah, I now totally love and adore Beirut,The New Pornographers, and Ted Leo and the Pharmacists because of Davis. He has great taste in music!
Oh yeah! So now in addition to being called Linnykins... It's now Phanny and Violins. Davis and Maya call me Violins...No not, violin.... Violins... What is that 's' even for...? Oh yeah... Davis figured out the language of Laya Pharton...
OOPS! Completely forgot about how Davis decided to make these lovely things for me...

Dude... You totally forgot that Madi helped a lot too.... :P