Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Happy Birthday to Daddy Phan! :)
12/29! Oh geez, Dad's getting older! So anyways, we celebrated with dinner at Applebees with the family including Uncle Hai! :) Yummers. Anyways, I started off this day getting quite far in To Kill a Mockingbird so yippee! I have yet to start Pride and Prejudice... I had an hour voice lesson and we picked a piece for Solo and Ensemble... My Johann. Aha. I really don't want to do it! :( Performing is so scary! D:
Saturday, December 25, 2010
How was Lina's Christmas and Birthday?
It was quite strange actually. I woke up to an awkward dream/nightmare. Quite enjoyable but then very creepy. Haha. I somehow managed to talk to Davis for almost 2 hours on the phone. Then I went to help out with preparing for the party and what not. Simon, Eric, and their parents along with Oscar came early like they always do since Simon and Eric's dad does pretty much all the cooking.
Simon, Eric, Andy, and I played Rockband 3 and card games ;) Then people started coming and everyone had dinner! The entire gigantic family I have... Hahaha. Simon, Eric, Darwin, Andy, Chu Hai, Steven, and Cindy kept playing Texas Hold Em.... I actually won the first! -SHOCKER- We then opened presents! I have a ton of money, clothes, a gold necklace, an Ipod touch, and a ton of other stuff :) I have been abusing my new Ipod. hahaha I love it! I also have enough to pay back my parents and get a guitar. Yippee!
My birthday cake was mocha as usual... It was GIGANTIC though. Everyone wanted to take a picture with me so I was stuck taking pictures for half an hour straight. During a picture with Simon and Eric, they decided to be such loving cousins and try to stick my face in the cake. Oh cousins...
Anyways, I smiled so much I didn't even know when I was actually smile or not... Yeah... All in all though, I had a good birthday and Christmas.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Happy Day!
I am quickly typing this up before Christmas! Which is in 13 minutes! So yesterday... Juli, Madi, Maya, Ha-Yoon, Davis, and I went to watch Tangled. We saw so many people from BHHS doing gift wrapping and Christmas shopping! 12/23/11 is the date of a very special day :)
Today, Juli, Davis, Maya, Madi, and some other people are competing to become the first person to tell me happy birthday at midnight... Madi sort of cheated by posting it and saying "to be delivered at 12 am" or something like that. Oh Madi, she cracks me up.
I shall update tomorrow... When I turn 15! :) MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE!
Today, Juli, Davis, Maya, Madi, and some other people are competing to become the first person to tell me happy birthday at midnight... Madi sort of cheated by posting it and saying "to be delivered at 12 am" or something like that. Oh Madi, she cracks me up.
I shall update tomorrow... When I turn 15! :) MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Poto Christmas Party :)

The girlies at the Christmas party :)

Madi, Ha-Yoon, and me :)
Yesterday was quite a strange day...For multiple reasons :) Well since it's past midnight... Two days ago actually.
I was too lazy to write this two days ago and pictures weren't sent to me yet... So I'm doing it now :) IAN AND MATT DID NOT SHOW UP! What losers :(! Maya was happy with her pillow pet and other gifts I got her! Which makes me so happy haha. I also learned I don't know my animals very well. The pillow pet I got her was a dolphin and I thought it was a whale. I also gave her this panda thing that I thought was a monkey... IT LOOKS LIKE A MONKEY I SWEAR. We decorated cookies and gingerbread men. I've never had a gingerbread cookie... They taste gross. Yet again we played Curses...It got boring so we played truth or dare on Juli's Ipod touch like last year! I ended up dumping water over myself again. Maya is making this a POTO Christmas tradition...
Anyways, Ha-Yoon was my secret santa and got me all this cool stuff :D! A really cute scarf, lotion, chocolate, a photo shopped photo collage, an iTunes gift card, and shower GEL(?) :)! Yeah... I didn't know what shower gel was... Isn't it just body wash? haha You learn new things everyday... The photo collage thing is SO cool except she picked a picture of me LOOKING high, drunk, possessed, and nothing positive which explains why I look like a freak in that one picture on the left...but I still love it ;) I made looking all caps because I was not actually... You know.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Kyle's Piano Recital!
As everyone knows Kyle is amazing at the piano! I was lucky enough to get to go to his recital and it was so cool :)! His grandma thought I was Jewish because I didn't have Christmas lights on...haha. I think that's hilarious. His parents also think we're secretly dating... Oh parents, they're so silly! Kylie played Predlude Op. 23, No.5, G minor (Rachmanioff) and an amazing version of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen. I absolutely enjoyed the recital :)! Thank you Kylie for inviting me!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Pictures From My Birthday Party ;)
So here's just a post to show a bunch of my pictures from yesterday! There are a lots more, but I'm too lazy... So here ya go!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
My Birthday Party :) 12/18
This morning, I went to Studio 6 and worked more on the swing routine :)! Natasha offered me to do competition... I don't think I'm ready, but I would love to do it!
Then I went to Safeway to get my ice cream birthday cake. Continued to go home to get ready for the party and then picked up 5 pizzas from costco. :)
BOWLING AT WEST SIDE LANES FOR MY BIRTHDAY WAS AMAZING :)! I actually celebrated my birthday with friends for the first time ever...So the people that actually came were Alex, Madi, Ha-Yoon, Ashley, Lauren, Juli, Maya, Corey, Davis, Matt, Ian, Jonny, Kyle, Tracy, and Liza! To those of you that didn't show up because you were busy with winter plans... Poop you :(. So bowling wise.. we all suck. Davis actually got strikes... What the heck. It was so fun bowling. Like amazingly fun. Then we all ate and I opened presents. THANK YOU FOR ALL THE GIFTS EVERYONE! I love you all! <3
Afterwards, we played Curses which was plain fun. Liza is an amazing Italian Santa Clause and Davis's falsetto voice is pretty darn amazing. hahahaha
So I told Maya, "My dad's worried you're gonna get raped if we just leave you here so we'll wait". Maya told my dad, "you don't have to worry because Kyle's gone". BAHAHAHHAA hilariousness.
So much more happened, but I'm completely exhausted to type it all up... I'm not home yet... I'm at Mika's house for her birthday... So I'll post pictures tmrw :)
Then I went to Safeway to get my ice cream birthday cake. Continued to go home to get ready for the party and then picked up 5 pizzas from costco. :)
BOWLING AT WEST SIDE LANES FOR MY BIRTHDAY WAS AMAZING :)! I actually celebrated my birthday with friends for the first time ever...So the people that actually came were Alex, Madi, Ha-Yoon, Ashley, Lauren, Juli, Maya, Corey, Davis, Matt, Ian, Jonny, Kyle, Tracy, and Liza! To those of you that didn't show up because you were busy with winter plans... Poop you :(. So bowling wise.. we all suck. Davis actually got strikes... What the heck. It was so fun bowling. Like amazingly fun. Then we all ate and I opened presents. THANK YOU FOR ALL THE GIFTS EVERYONE! I love you all! <3
Afterwards, we played Curses which was plain fun. Liza is an amazing Italian Santa Clause and Davis's falsetto voice is pretty darn amazing. hahahaha
So I told Maya, "My dad's worried you're gonna get raped if we just leave you here so we'll wait". Maya told my dad, "you don't have to worry because Kyle's gone". BAHAHAHHAA hilariousness.
So much more happened, but I'm completely exhausted to type it all up... I'm not home yet... I'm at Mika's house for her birthday... So I'll post pictures tmrw :)
Friday, December 17, 2010

The lovely Madi gave me cupcakes in a fed ex box while my friends decorated the box as my side birthday present. :)
In Spanish, Alex Van Hook and I had a blast! I love herrr! In PE, we learned square dancing... I was partners with Spencer! He's so ridiculously hilarious, but odd.In Biology we kept watching Lorenzo's Oil. It's so sad :( Kids in my class were being so obnoxious and throwing candy everywhere during the movie. In choir, we just had total free time since the concert is over. :) NO MORE SCHOOL TILL NEXT YEAR! Yippeee!
After school, Maya came to chill over for a bit. It was boring though because there was absolutely nothing to do but chilling with Maya is always fun. :)

Juli's amazingly fantabulous birthday present to me was taking me to the Nutcracker! :D I bought Emma, Alyse, and Natalie lollipops there. They're all so talented. My little Emma was an Arabian princess!
Juli and I finally actually bonded! Haha I mean, you can't beat headbanging to music on the radio. Then practicing headbanging for smooth jazz. Juli and I are gonna go moshing someday. Then we're gonna go to a smooth jazz concert and start headbanging.Pretty intense stuff there you have to admit.
Lovely day. heehee :)

Thursday, December 16, 2010
1 more day till winter break!
I don't really have much to write about, but Maya and I said we'd try to post everyday or something like that. In PE, we're learning square dancing.... FML. In biology, we continued to watch Lorenzo's Oil and it's so sad... I feel like crying every 5 minutes. :( In choir, Ian and I did some "swing" bahahhaha. It was horribly bad, but hilarious. I have like 3 math retests to take... Hopefully I pass all of them with flying colors!
After school, Maya was choosing to retest on some stuff and made me stay there with her... I was just sitting there for like 30 minutes. Then we both went to the PAC. Jonny was singing and playing on his guitar and it was hilarious. :) Matt was being a loser and stole my phone.... AGAIN.
Choir concert... I arrived late. Alviar told me to be there are 6:30... I was! But we were supposedly supposed to be there at 6. I FORGOT TO BRING A CLIP TO CLIP MY HAIR BACK :( My hair was basically covering my face... Maya and Juli... Kyle in a suit... Enough said. Juli decided to shout out really loud, "I BET YOU'RE TURNED ON RIGHT NOW!"...To clarify, I was not. I was telling Maya about how Juli said that after the concert, and Alviar heard me say "Juli said" and Mrs. Alviar was like "what?"... Maya and I were like "NOTHING" and Alviar was like "haha well okay then..." Anywho... I was constantly tripping over my dress! It's way too long! Matt decided to be a lovely friend and try to trip me, but he didn't know my dress was too long. Oh well.
After school, Maya was choosing to retest on some stuff and made me stay there with her... I was just sitting there for like 30 minutes. Then we both went to the PAC. Jonny was singing and playing on his guitar and it was hilarious. :) Matt was being a loser and stole my phone.... AGAIN.
Choir concert... I arrived late. Alviar told me to be there are 6:30... I was! But we were supposedly supposed to be there at 6. I FORGOT TO BRING A CLIP TO CLIP MY HAIR BACK :( My hair was basically covering my face... Maya and Juli... Kyle in a suit... Enough said. Juli decided to shout out really loud, "I BET YOU'RE TURNED ON RIGHT NOW!"...To clarify, I was not. I was telling Maya about how Juli said that after the concert, and Alviar heard me say "Juli said" and Mrs. Alviar was like "what?"... Maya and I were like "NOTHING" and Alviar was like "haha well okay then..." Anywho... I was constantly tripping over my dress! It's way too long! Matt decided to be a lovely friend and try to trip me, but he didn't know my dress was too long. Oh well.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
A.C.T. Day....
Oh ACT days, so full of joy and happiness. I got to kick off my amazing day with a "lovely" literacy test for The Pearl. Then in Spanish, I realized I forgot my glasses... FML. In Pe, we did the electric slide instead of swing... -tear- In biology class we watched a movie about a kid with ALD. We didn't finish the movie, but it almost made me cry :(
Pretty darn fun actually. Ha-Yoon, Madi, Maya, Juli, Davis, Matt, Kyle, and I went to my house to "watch" Inception! :) Ha-Yoon, Davis, and Maya decided to be such great friends after most of them left... Hacking my facebook, changing my statuses, messaging people, and all that good stuff. Davis is a very violent person. Maya's an aggressive hugger. Ha-Yoon is pure evil. It was quite fun to be honest. Andy decided to be a loser and text Dad that I liked Kyle... which I don't. Luckily, Dad's phone doesn't work! :D
Pretty darn fun actually. Ha-Yoon, Madi, Maya, Juli, Davis, Matt, Kyle, and I went to my house to "watch" Inception! :) Ha-Yoon, Davis, and Maya decided to be such great friends after most of them left... Hacking my facebook, changing my statuses, messaging people, and all that good stuff. Davis is a very violent person. Maya's an aggressive hugger. Ha-Yoon is pure evil. It was quite fun to be honest. Andy decided to be a loser and text Dad that I liked Kyle... which I don't. Luckily, Dad's phone doesn't work! :D
Monday, December 13, 2010
12 more days till Christmas!

Davis decided to be oh so kind and make that...So I found out what Violins meant... VIOLENCE. I'm not that violent... :)
In Hummel's class... Ian's jokes totally made my day. I don' think I'll be posting them though...Then in Spanish class, Alex brushed her teeth again! This time not in the water fountain though! teehee :)What also made my day was PE! Swing dancing! It was pretty darn awesome being the best at something in PE! Austin B... He decided to take the liberty of telling which guys in class washed or didn't was their hands... YUCK! Every guy thought my hands were really sweaty so I had to explain it was lotion which it was.
Well the piano recital was a lot better than most. I hate recitals. Anywho, that's my day! I'm excited for the band concert tomorrow!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Part two of two... This is sort of dedicated to one of my favorite seniors ever! Davis!
You wanted a dedication Davis...
Since I'm the secretary of the school...I got to help out with the freshman mural which we won! :)
We got some productive work done... aha. Ha-Yoon, Madi, and Matt did a mass load of work so kudos to them :)! Actually... This doesn't really have to do with Davis even though it's a dedication... Well, he was there partially...And made me die of a laughing fit.

Oh yeah, I now totally love and adore Beirut,The New Pornographers, and Ted Leo and the Pharmacists because of Davis. He has great taste in music!
Oh yeah! So now in addition to being called Linnykins... It's now Phanny and Violins. Davis and Maya call me Violins...No not, violin.... Violins... What is that 's' even for...? Oh yeah... Davis figured out the language of Laya Pharton...
OOPS! Completely forgot about how Davis decided to make these lovely things for me...

Since I'm the secretary of the school...I got to help out with the freshman mural which we won! :)
We got some productive work done... aha. Ha-Yoon, Madi, and Matt did a mass load of work so kudos to them :)! Actually... This doesn't really have to do with Davis even though it's a dedication... Well, he was there partially...And made me die of a laughing fit.

Oh yeah, I now totally love and adore Beirut,The New Pornographers, and Ted Leo and the Pharmacists because of Davis. He has great taste in music!
Oh yeah! So now in addition to being called Linnykins... It's now Phanny and Violins. Davis and Maya call me Violins...No not, violin.... Violins... What is that 's' even for...? Oh yeah... Davis figured out the language of Laya Pharton...
OOPS! Completely forgot about how Davis decided to make these lovely things for me...

This is dedicated to Maya... sort of. (Part one)
Maya wants me to start up my blog again. That silly Maya.
Since I haven't posted in... forever I shall try to hit the main points. Aha!
I LOVEEEEEE the new Harry Potter movie :) I despise Steinbeck books. Especially The Pearl...
Oh yeah! I played Curio in the Twelfth Night and I absolutely do not regret trying out for the play at all. I've met so many fantastic people that I absolutely love and adore! I miss them all so dearly! Aha. Oh yeah, Davis took me up the catwalk with some other people. Kinda terrifying. Actually... QUITE TERRIFYING. The second time I went up there... I almost fell down the ladder. Oh yeah that reminds me... I now know how to go down a ladder thanks to Davis. hahaha
I am totally loving freshman year...
Football Game Photos:
Can't forget that...So we had a POTO Toy Story Party :)It was at Maya's house and we went downtown to starbucks and etc. :)Oh yeah! Kyle's a new member of POTO! Woot! :)
We took a bajillion pictures, but here are a few!

Since I haven't posted in... forever I shall try to hit the main points. Aha!
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From Halloween! |
I LOVEEEEEE the new Harry Potter movie :) I despise Steinbeck books. Especially The Pearl...
Oh yeah! I played Curio in the Twelfth Night and I absolutely do not regret trying out for the play at all. I've met so many fantastic people that I absolutely love and adore! I miss them all so dearly! Aha. Oh yeah, Davis took me up the catwalk with some other people. Kinda terrifying. Actually... QUITE TERRIFYING. The second time I went up there... I almost fell down the ladder. Oh yeah that reminds me... I now know how to go down a ladder thanks to Davis. hahaha
I am totally loving freshman year...
Football Game Photos:
Can't forget that...So we had a POTO Toy Story Party :)It was at Maya's house and we went downtown to starbucks and etc. :)Oh yeah! Kyle's a new member of POTO! Woot! :)
We took a bajillion pictures, but here are a few!

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