Thursday, August 25, 2011

A daily dose of music is good for the soul.

The joys of music. Music is such an amazing thing in life. I feel so cliche and cheesy saying that. Music really is a fantastic thing. It can make you happy, comfort you, help you relax, and is always there for you when you need it. I love music. :)
Here's some songs I am in love with right now:
3 Rounds and a Sound- Blind Pilot (LOVE LOVE THIS SONG)
Packing Blankets- Eels
Skylark- Arrah and the Ferns
Untitled- Simple Plan (Listened to this song in driver's ed and it made me want to cry)

Off topic: Hunger games has been so good. I've heard the last book wasn't as good as the others, but I'm still liking it. I'm for sure going to Silverwood on Sunday! We're leaving for Spokane on Saturday morning and I'll be driving... Yikes!

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