Saturday, August 13, 2011

Saturday Night.

Hmmmmm... Updating time! I hate driver's ed with a burning passion. I hate driving. I hate stress. I hate homework. I hate summer assignments. I hate tests. I hate quizzes. I hate watching the same episodes of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse over and over again thanks to Karina. I hate the song How To Love by Lil Wayne. I hate being so busy. I hate being out of shape. I hate a lot of things. On the bright side, I got lace tights, a new planner, a lace dress, a black tshirt, and even more tights today at the Supermall! Also, today is Uncle Hai's bday! Karina has as much love for Pooh Bear as I do and we were watching pooh bear videos for like an hour yesterday on youtube. Tennis camps is over! It was fun, but it was adding to the whole stress and busyness. I've been rereading Harry Potter ( I don't know if I've said this already or not, but I'm too lazy to check...) and it's SO CUTE. <3 I now own all the Hunger Game books thanks to amazon. Chyeah! I'm gonna go to Silverwood on the 26th! :) Yesterday, we had that choir thing mabobber and afterwards, Liza, Kyle and I got limeberry! I think that's about it...?

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