Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Silverwood and Spokane

Speed dating at Applebee's?

Silverwood Train

Silverwood Bandit.

Food at the hotel

Cute breakfast tables at Pheasant Hill Hotel

More food! There's a lot more that I was too lazy to take pictures of.


Haven't had these in years. They're digusting, but good...?

Riverfront Park

Riverfront Park

Riverfront Park

Sweaty Lina

Manito Park

More of Manito Park


More of the park

My daddio!


The GORGEOUS and BEAUTIFUL Columbia River

The vacation with the family, Ivan's family, Cindy, Mika, Mely, and their mom... It wasn't exactly... fun. The two brats and their mom ruined it for everyone. Terrible public tantrums... ON THE BRIGHT SIDE, there were some good moments. Like how we got to see Eastern Washington! It's quite beautiful and gorgeous. The hotel Pheasant Hill is FANTASTIC. We get free amazing breakfast :). I got new boots and pants from Macy's! Silverwood was okay. The lines were too long to do anything :(. Some obnoxious kid kept hitting on me in a line with Andy to the Ricochet Rapids and eugh. Oddly enough, I got to see Hunter and Tracy at Silverwood... hahahaha We went on Tremors together! Sort of. We waited in line together for it... It was also Cindy's birthday the day we went to Silverwood! So happy belated birthday, Cindy! On the way back, we went to Manito Park and stopped by the beautiful Columbia River. :) Right now, I'm reading P.S. I Love You. Almost done with Driver's Ed. I had a downtown drive today and then an emergency drive Friday. Then FINALLY the final drive on Tuesday. Then school on Wednesday... WHAT THE HECK. I NEED A BREAK :(.
Picture from the wedding I went to that I don't think I blogged about , but I don't know the bride or groom so I don't really care.

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